Where are MKTG WMN members currently located?

We have over 1,000 members who have signed up in the past 3 years across 27 countries. The most common locations are California, New York, Boston, and Chicago.

MKTG WMN members are located all over the world, in over 27 countries. The most common locations are:

  • Mountain View, CA, USA
  • San Francisco, CA, USA
  • New York, NY, USA
  • Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • Boston, MA, USA
  • Chicago, IL, USA
  • Toronto, ON, Canada
  • London, UK
  • Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • Lagos, Nigeria
  • Delhi, India

We have members in all types of locations, from big cities to small towns, and from all over the world. We are proud to be a global community of women in marketing.